Watery desktop 3d
Watery desktop 3d

1975 With Each $3.00 Grocery ® 122365 J Mi SPECIAL a SAVE 25c | PBonus € ” by Coupon | ‘mit One Coupon per Customer DH -nve ou OO nw - a ww ™ SAVE 40c | | 122-A-342 ,! With This | / 2b.

watery desktop 3d

Stainless TABLEWARE DINNERWARE SOFTENER atid” Your NOW! PHENOLIC RESIN HANDLES ® 5.YEAR GUARANTEE ® DISHWASHER SAFE CLEANUP SALE J ° % Feature Limit One Coupon per Customer | 1.00 Off Regular Pric- FORK. §Q¢ 29 Pq : \ Ports of England C omp lete Set With This ¢ Coupon Alvarado. 2nd, 1975 Division ALP St 51 eet? | Mighty High Shortcakes 3 Var. Nu Soft | FABRIC i Valid4 thru Set.,Altoona Aug. Box ALL DETERGENT 122A,/ ca -’ Box ) | 1 | thor. 2nd, 1975 Division : AGP Stor hid J One 9-lb. Instant | | Eight 0’Clock Coffee | | | | | 10-02 Jar 51 3 | !| | | Limit One Coupon per Customer | Valid thru Sat.,Altoona Aug. Greases ar an an ws W oN dy SAVE 20c | | One 3 10-0z. 2nd, 1975 Altoona Divisien Coffee ARP Stores I hru § Sar.,pin Aug.

watery desktop 3d

2nd, 1975 Altoona Division Valid thru Sat., Aug. Jar per and | Limit One Coupon per V Become ' Yalid thru hasi omypr Nea of the parallels 1 mutual | : | Limit One Coupon per Customer I i Limit One Coupon per Customer | Valid thru Sat., Aug. | nstant boy who | Taten budding | 10-01. Yin - 0 - SAVE 36c 't come | One 10-0z. Reqular era, we I | | | Limit One Coupon per Customer ! | Valid thru Sat., Aug. EL \buse : il MEAT 2 supine Yi | naive dge is a weston SAVE 10c One 5b. OOP IIIS Ry PEACHES J w= $1.00 2 for 29¢ NECTARINES Tips On Storing Meat And Poultry FLUO 1k is. 1 the past g DODO OOOO DBD DD POPPI COIN Dt idl Di Bll: DIP DDO Oooo POPPI IIe ISN OD. § 19 01 SOOO rn Watermelons Governor iiaaa Cucumbers 24 Size est 1 APP POD PPD DDD SD. MARVEL § rrides and also have mplishing years to ) a rule, in trained to the THE AWARE £.4| SHOPPER - ad-thump ae pparently Hhpeine. w.79 4 there had ious veto e present ALL FLAVORS.

watery desktop 3d

porois“17 y disagree nding their ) DDL 69: “79+ 99° CHICKEN -49 FRANKS=89 Braunschweiger ® me rice 15. Canned Hams tn $597 SDDS LIVERSALE '*39¢ 9 ¢ 59° BBO PD SDI PDD DD 1issue - is t it was ng: 41-8 in 37 in the ase of the n greater lo pass the DIDI PPPOE Ieee le - thatof wy of ise advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or belo the advertised price in each A&P Ay except as specifically noted in this ad. BONLESS COOKED USDA INSPECTED § fo 16 Lb. WHOLE CUSTOM CUT NEW YORK Bone-In 25 PIII IPOD OPPS PIII that last third time ad his veto his throat, tinction it xcellency, ore than a rs, in fact, ernatorial even ‘a’ POOF PIII III III IIIT SUPER-RIGHT. 1.79 the Senate of House nple, want iccessful it linistration retical, at support in TSUNATST by 39 DELMONICO STEAK vine 249 ) > fact that owled over his tenure 5 that even 0 £2 £8 S$ “ RIB ROAST Cut from Ist 4 Ribs Lb.

watery desktop 3d

Lb $1.69 § 4 of the 50 ROUND STEAK Boneless Bottom i BONELESS RUMP ROAST.1.69 Hoo GROUND ROUND. Marys, Pa., Wednesday, J aaa WHOLE BONELESS BOTTOM 18sing a bill ote of both | CeHk | i" 2 A i a Cut ROUNDS BP 39 coe BEEF H USDA Inspected. This Digital Object is provided in a collection that is included in POWER Library: Pennsylvania Photos and Documents, which is funded by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries of Pennsylvania/Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Watery desktop 3d